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We are a non-governmental, non-profit organization, legally constituted, with legal status granted in December 1993, Founded by Father Antonio Castro, under the Executive Direction of Ms. María Consuelo Sánchez since 2004.

On average, annually 100 boys, girls and adolescents between 6 and 17 years old are treated, in a situation of high social risk, characterized mainly by intra-family violence, sexual violence, street walking, total or partial abandonment (neglect) on the part of one of their parents , child labor, school dropout and / or backwardness, severe physical and mental health risks (malnutrition, STIs and HIV / AIDS) (depressive symptoms and addictions), teenage pregnancies and commercial sexual exploitation.


To be an Association that works in the prevention of all forms of violence against Children and Adolescents, the promotion of their social reintegration, strengthening preventive work with the family and the community in the period of care.


Continue to be a modern, efficient, flexible and high quality organization; leader in the prevention and comprehensive care for girls, boys and adolescents who are victims of sexual and intra-family violence and HIV / AIDS in Nicaragua; achieving financial self-sustainability.

Contribute to the strengthening of the family and the prevention of violence through the application of the model of prevention and comprehensive care of violence to children and adolescents through the articulation of efforts with the institutions involved and community networks at the local level.

    1. Prevent violence against children and adolescents in AQB community points through primary and secondary care; developing protective environments, inclusion in formal education and school retention, as well as the development of life skills.

    2. Provide comprehensive care to children and adolescents who are victims of violence with an emphasis on restoring their human rights, strengthening their resilience, and protective environments that guarantee emotional sustainability, social and family insertion.

    3. Implement the communication strategy for family strengthening and prevention of violence in the family, school and community.

    4. Strengthen community work and institutional coordination at the central and local level.


Community Care for ANN and Families

Prevent violence against children and adolescents in AQB community points through primary and secondary care; developing protective environments, inclusion in formal education and school retention, as well as the development of life skills.

Comprehensive Care for ANN and Families

Provide comprehensive care to children and adolescents who are victims of violence with an emphasis on restoring their human rights, strengthening their resilience, and protective environments that guarantee emotional sustainability, social and family insertion.

Institutional strengthening

Strengthen community work and institutional coordination at the central and local level, as well as Implement the communication strategy for family strengthening and prevention of violence in the family, school and community.



Las caricaturas y su impacto en el desarrollo infantil

Las caricaturas juegan un papel importante en el desarrollo infantil al ser una de las formas de entretenimiento más populares entre los niños. Más allá de la diversión, estas producciones influyen en aspectos cognitivos, emocionales y sociales, por lo que es crucial entender su impacto tanto positivo como negativo. Los padres y cuidadores deben ser conscientes de los programas que sus hijos consumen, ya que el contenido puede moldear sus actitudes, habilidades y valores desde edades tempranas.

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